Your donation provides a strong academic foundation and a vibrant community for over 350 students and families every years.
Winnipeg Mennonite School was established so students from all backgrounds would have a formal education that could transform their lives and positively contribute to society. Since then, we have held true to that vision because of the generosity of countless community members and businesses who share this view.

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On computer - hover your cursor over the form and scroll down.
On phone - put your finger on the form and scroll down.
How to become a monthly donor
Select a pre-set donation, or choose your own amount by selecting 'Other'.
Set the donation type to 'Recurring'.
Confirm where you want your donation to go (Bursary, Capital, or General) and ensure the frequency is set to 'Monthly'.
Ensure your contact information is filled out correctly. We will use this information to send your tax reciepts at year end.
Using donation management services costs us a little bit. You have the option to cover those costs. By default, it is checked 'Yes'.

WMS is grateful for your support!